Chasing a Dream, 9″x 12″, ink and pencil crayon, 2018
Chasing Sanity, 9″x 12″, ink and pencil crayon, 2018
Balance, 9″x 12″, ink and pencil crayon, 2018
Anxiety, ink, Jan. 13, 2013
Question of Direction, 24″x 36″, ink and pencil crayon, 2013
The Balance of Consciousness, ink and pencil crayon, 2012
Hay Snails, gouache, October 25, 2012
Wear and Tear, 24″x 36″, graphite, 2011
Self Portrait, oil pastel and ink, 2010
Old Skates, graphite, 2009
Self Portrait, graphite, 2009
Monogram, pencil crayon, 2009